Welcome back to Sliding Doors, where each week we run through the OPL teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and every now and then an additional bonus one around a special topic.
You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. So without further ado, here are your sliding doors for OPL Split 1, Week 4!

Avant can defeat Gravitas this weekend,

they’re a contender for #NotThatBad status.

The Chiefs can knock over Legacy this weekend,

the lid is off and the hype train is painted blue and white.

The Dire Wolves are able to defeat Order,

their bite is bigger than their bark. Also they’re good boys.

You’re wondering what the standard is for a #NotThatBad team,

this week is a great marker for Gravitas. Order are a win above them and Avant share the same win/loss record.

You’re still looking for some nicknames for EMENES,

MVP is a title that might fit his season. The phenomenal new kid on the block is looking like money.

You start the season 0-6,

people are going to start wondering if you can win a game all split. My money is still in favour of chalking an upset.

You’re trying to get a read on Order’s form,

I’ve given up until playoffs, thankfully for them the season’s a marathon, not a sprint.

You’re looking for an excuse for Pentanet’s slow start,

remember they’re yet to play the winless Mammoth. Also Perth is in a different time zone, it takes a while to catch up.

Your players are asking your show host about the format live on broadcast and openly questioning behaviour checks,

you probably need to communicate a little better with all your stakeholders – teams, players, and fans alike.
That’s all we have for this week! We’ll be back every Friday with a new Sliding Doors for the OPL.
The Oceanic Pro League returns today.