Sliding Doors: OPL 2020 Split 1, Week 6

Welcome back to Sliding Doors, where each week we run through the OPL teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and every now and then an additional bonus one around a special topic.

You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. So without further ado, here are your sliding doors for OPL Split 1, Week 6!

You’re nostalgically thinking about a Chiefs/Legacy/Dire Wolves 1-2-3 finish,

don’t get your hopes up with an Avant 5th place to complete the set. This week could find them drifting into no man’s land in sixth place.

You thought EMENES could cause you problems in the playoffs,

you’re breathing a massive sigh of relief now.

You’re looking for a dark horse to win the league,

you should believe the behind the scenes hype, as the Dire Wolves are making the OPL a three horse race.

You’re looking for stability,

this team isn’t it. They’ve gone from #NotThatBad to the worst team in the league.

You read between the lines,

the EMENES termination was the right move, but I can’t help but get the feeling I’ve seen how this Legacy season plays out.

Mammoth can win against Gravitas to break their losing streak,

I’m not completely ruling them out against Avant. But let’s face it, it’s unlikely.

You’re reflecting on your first 0-2 week,

also reflect on the luxury of knowing it only gets easier from here for the next two weeks.

You’re looking for season defining moments,

this weekend could be the turning point for Pentanet’s season. Last week we we’re talking about keeping sixth place at bay, but a 2-0 this week will turn the conversation into holding fourth instead.

That’s all we have for this week! We’ll be back every Friday with a new Sliding Doors for the OPL.

The Oceanic Pro League returns today.

Andrew Wray

One of Snowball's founders, Andrew "Wray Z" Wray is a sports fanatic. Formerly of Riot Games, Andrew has extensive experience when it comes to the OPL, but you'll find him across most games in Oceanic esports.

ProducerJosh Swift
Andrew Wray
Andrew Wray
One of Snowball's founders, Andrew "Wray Z" Wray is a sports fanatic. Formerly of Riot Games, Andrew has extensive experience when it comes to the OPL, but you'll find him across most games in Oceanic esports.



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