

TRASH on VCT Game Changers: “Asian, non-binary—the representation means a lot to me.”

*Lethal Lotus and Blossom Bullets are not affiliated with Team Bliss.

Your survival guide to PAX AUS: ‘Cheers to 10 Years’

Happy birthday, dear PAX AUS!

PAX Australia confirms Nintendo, Bethesda return for 2023 edition

Video games, cosplay, tabletop, reunions—PAX Aus is celebrating ten years of uniting us all Down Under, and after a glorious 2022 return, two big...

Behind Enemy Lines — PCS Playoffs 2023: Split 2

LCO reps The Chiefs and Team Bliss have their eyes on the world stage once more. In previous years, these two teams would have...


Josh Swift

Owner of Go Next Media, Josh "Swifty" Swift is Snowball's Director of Creative & Production. He looks to build up passionate creators to bring the best content to esports in Oceania.