Welcome back to Sliding Doors, where each week we run through the OPL teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and every now and then an additional bonus one around a special topic.
You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. So without further ado, here are your sliding doors for OPL Split 1, Week 3!

You’re 1-3 after coming up against Chiefs, Legacy and Order,

there’s no need to hit the panic button, only gets easier from here.

You’re feeling a bit nostalgic about the Chiefs,

with Legacy being their biggest challengers, we’ve seen how this plays out over history.

You’re paying close attention to the middle of the table,

this week is a big one for the Wolfpack, and can set the narrative of their season.

You’re #NotThatBad,

this week will take something remarkable and I wouldn’t mind seeing an upset.

You put a demolition on a cellar dweller,

this week could be a quick one on stage. How good is EMENES by the way?

We’re not expecting a win from this squad on the weekend,

give us a reason to be excited.

You believe this squad has what it takes to do damage at seasons end,

we’ll need confidence that they can easily dispatch the teams below them. 2-0 this week puts them in good stead.

You believed the behind the scenes hype behind this squad,

this team is the biggest disappointment of the season so far.
That’s all we have for this week! We’ll be back every Friday with a new Sliding Doors for the OPL.
The Oceanic Pro League returns today.