Welcome back to Sliding Doors, where each week we run through the OPL teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and every now and then an additional bonus one around a special topic.
You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. So without further ado, here are your sliding doors for OPL Split 1, Week 10!

You’re like me and had Avant ruled out of playoffs two weeks ago,

you’ll be shocked when you look at the schedule to see that they’re a very real chance to progress. There’s always something about Avant and fifth place.

You need some practice coming up into playoffs,

having to play 2nd and 3rd place in the final week is great timing.

You were to take stock of Dire Wolves’ season so far,

you’d be giving them a glowing review. They’ve set themselves up well for playoffs and are currently only one of three teams with a 50+% W/R.

Gravitas make playoffs,

it would have to be one of the great last-minute comebacks. They looked like they’d be stuck in a last place battle with Mammoth not long ago.

You’re still in the hunt for first place,

it’ll likely come down to the last game of the OPL home and away season. Considering the mid-season swap, they’ve had a much harder journey to get there then most would have predicted at season’s start.

You’re reviewing 2020 so far,

the triumphs of 2019 must seem like a distant memory.

You’re wondering about the damage Order can do in the playoffs,

a 50% W/L and a miserable record against the teams above them doesn’t inspire confidence.

Pentanet miss playoffs,

it will go down as one of the greatest chokes in the OPL. Given they’ve just lost to the three teams below them there isn’t a whole lot of inspired confidence that they can get the job done.

You’re concerned and stressed about everything that’s going on in the world,

take a moment to appreciate that you have an outlet in this time to decompress, de-stress and be entertained by the talents in esports.
In a time where people have lost the ability to watch sports, go to their gym, and enjoy other recreational activities, the fact esports is able to endure shouldn’t be taken for granted.
That’s all we have for this week! We’ll be back every Friday with a new Sliding Doors for the OPL.
The Oceanic Pro League returns today.