Welcome back to the fourth week of Sliding Doors for 2021 this year covering the LCO!
Each week we run through the League of Legends Circuit Oceania teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and, every now and then, an additional bonus one around a special topic.
You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. So without further ado, here are your sliding doors for LCO Split 1, Week 4!

A week could make or break a team,

it’s this week for the Chiefs. Peace, Order and Pentanet is a very tough ask, but a few wins changes the narrative.

You thought the Dire Wolves were washed up,

think again. Big scalps over Chiefs and Peace reminded me why I had such lofty hopes as the start of the split.

You’re a Gravitas fan,

this week provides more optimism than you’ve had for a long time. Although I’m not sure how confident I am in the team delivering.

There was one upset to define this split’s playoffs race,

it’s Legacy’s win over Order. They’ve put a massive dent in Order’s seeding for playoffs.

You forfeit a match and avoid too much scrutiny,

count yourself lucky. Technical difficulties happen, but forfeits are unacceptable in a professional environment.

Order end the week 1-2 as predicted,

they will likely just be making up numbers in playoffs. Although, we said that about Order in Split 1 2019, so…

You’ve been brought back down to Earth after a couple of losses,

the real test starts now. Peace might need to work on their drafting though, lots of commentary about their draft against Pentanet (even if I believe it’s overrated).

Pentanet take the foot off the pedal somewhat,

we’re not going to judge. They have two games in hand. Expect some experimentation.
If you’d like to join us for LCO watch parties, join the Snowball Discord.
That’s all we have for this week! Check back every week before the LCO action for more Sliding Doors!
The League of Legends Circuit Oceania returns today.