Welcome back to Sliding Doors for the Door Dash LCO 2022 season!
Each week we run through the League of Legends Circuit Oceania teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and, every now and then, an additional bonus one around a special topic.
You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. So without further ado, here are your sliding doors for the LCO Split 1, Week 5!

Any player could be described as a fine wine,

Tally just seems to get better with age. Incredible that a player with his third role can end up with two MVPs in a week.

You’re looking for big winners of the first Super Week,

behind the Chiefs closing the gap on top spot, the Dire Wolves putting in a bit of space ahead of Mammoth for playoffs is big, especially for their confidence.

You’re questioning Gravitas’ philosophy of development,

it’s hard to blame you. We’re sorry, but playing nine different players in five different rosters in five weeks is not “development”. We’ve seen more stability in SumSoc teams, so spare a thought for the players getting shafted by management.

You’re bringing on a player who hasn’t played competitively in more than three years to spark some inspiration,

you can tell how deep Kanga’s soul searching is going. There’s more new names on the GCD too – rocky times ahead.

It feels like we’ve returned to regularly scheduled programming with Mammoth.

this week’s much weaker schedule could prove otherwise. We don’t want to call their first round robin a fluke, but this is the time to step up.

There’s anything feels more certain than death and taxes,

it’s ORDER dropping a match every week for absolutely no reason. If they beat PEACE, put the house on Pentanet.

PEACE have finally been felled,

it’s time to get the overreactions out of the way. This team is horrible how could they lose to Kanga? With that done, it’s time to remind you they’re still the title front-runners.

After nine games you have a 5-4 record,

at what point can we write off your championship credentials? We’ve belittled ORDER for less.
If you’d like to join us for LCO watch parties, join the Snowball Discord.
That’s all we have for this week! Check back next week for more Sliding Doors content.
The League of Legends Circuit Oceania returns today.