

IEM Sydney 2019: Catch-up with the Renegades

Ahead of the knockout phase, we caught up with Aaron “AZR” Ward and known Oceanic traitor Sean “Gratisfaction” Kaiwai individually and spoke to them...

IEM Sydney 2019: LEGIJA Interview

Nikola "LEGIJA" Ninić, the ex-player for BIG and the current manager of the team spoke to Snowball Esports about the visa process, the biggest...

IEM Sydney 2019: Interview with gob b

We had the pleasure of speaking with BIG’s veteran leader gob b after their elimination from IEM Sydney 2019. We caught up on BIG’s...

IEM Sydney 2019: Interview with TACO

We had the courtesy of speaking to Brazilian support player and the consistent presence of Epitácio "TACO" de Melo. He spoke to us about...


Josh Swift

Owner of Go Next Media, Josh "Swifty" Swift is Snowball's Director of Creative & Production. He looks to build up passionate creators to bring the best content to esports in Oceania.