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Ties Takes: Niceland, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Just ‘Send It’

I’m still not sure I believe it. Part of the immeasurable sadness of the death of the OPL was that the wonderful story that was...

Behind Enemy Lines 2, Reykjavík Boogaloo: The LoL heavyweights PGG face next

Pentanet.GG forge new OCE ground this weekend at the Mid-Season Invitational as they take on some of League of Legends' best in Iceland: here's...

Pentanet.GG make OCE history: LCO underdogs defy MSI odds to qualify for ‘Rumble’ stage

LCO champs Pentanet.GG have made history — the odds-on favourites to be "going home," as their MSI 2021 anthem promised, pulled off a stunning...

Order, Paradox, Dire Wolves, and Vertex gunning for ANZ Champs S12 glory

After almost two months of play, 16 teams have become four as the ANZ Championships Season 12 finals begin. Paradox stand out as the underdogs...

Pabu eager to ‘spice up’ MSI with RNG, UOL upsets: “It’s boring to give up before you play”

There aren’t many in the League of Legends community who don’t know Jackson “Pabu” Pavone, especially his fast-flying Twitter fingers, bright hair styles, and...

Ties Takes — Cold as Ice(Land)

With the LCO in the rearview mirror and the Mid-Season Invitational ahead, it's time to take a look at our representative, Pentanet.GG, as they...

Fudge: Carrying the Australian flag on Cloud9 at MSI 2021

He’s the trash-talking top laner taking over North America. Now, Cloud9’s Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami will be the first Oceanic export to make an international...

Pentanet.GG unveils first Indigenous jersey for MSI 2021

Pentanet.GG will represent Oceania at MSI 2021 donning an Indigenous jersey, with art inspired by Whadjuk Noongar land in Perth. It’s a first for...

Josh Swift

Owner of Go Next Media, Josh "Swifty" Swift is Snowball's Director of Creative & Production. He looks to build up passionate creators to bring the best content to esports in Oceania.